PicoTowns is a town building game inspired by the boardgame Tiny Towns (https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/265736/tiny-towns) and the game Tiny Islands (https://dr-d-king.itch.io/tiny-islands). 

Build a town out of buildings that arrive in the form of tetris style pieces. Each turn you have a choice from a big or a small piece to add to your town. You have 15 turns to arrange them in a way to try and get the highest score possible!

In game help is available (click on ?)

I am happy to hear any feedback that you have!


Adjacent = All touching spaces (including diagonal)

Each building scores individually as follows:


HouseRed2 per House in same row and column including itself
ParkGreen1 per Park in same blob of parks
ShopBlue2 per adjacent House, 1 per adjacent other building (not Parks, Empty)
SchoolYellow12 - 4 per school in the same row and column (capped at 0)
GovtPink2 per distance from the two closest edges (top/bottom, left/right)


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So far my top score is 590! 

Top scores are of course limited by the random deal of the pieces for each game.

I am planning to add a "Daily Challenge" option which will have the same pieces for everyone so scores can be compared for each day's challenge!